Just How Important and Special Your ID card Is

Today all respectable companies provide ID cards to their employees, who can choose to take pride in them or hide them under scarves. But how special is the little piece of plastic you are given when you sign the contract? Read on and find the small ID is more than meets the eye.

Durability makes them cheap

If you ever thought of using your ID as a cheese knife, you can do it without worrying it will melt away. OK, this is not exactly true, but ID cards are very flexible and they last up to five years. Many more outlive this “deadline”, so they are costing the company less than cheap paper cards, even if they require an ID card printer to be manufactured. This translates into more money towards the salaries or other employee-related departments, instead of making new cards.

Versatile encoding

With the arrival of QR codes, which can be easily transferred on a card with an ID card printer, the functionality of these cards increased. Along with magnetic codes and RFID tags, these allow the printing company to add more code on the card as well as more info about the employee. Match the smart encoding with a smart access system and you have an unwanted guest-proof building.


More security features

There are ID cards which feature the employee’s signature and his or her fingerprint. But they can be more secure: an ID card can have a holographic overlay. There are lots of ID card printers which allow the manufacturer to add this extra layer, which makes the card virtually impossible to copy. Depending on the company which orders them, the holographic add-on can be printed right on the card or on a special foil, which is then applied to the card.

All in one, the ID card is a pretty impressive item which can be made with a special printer. For more information click here.

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